In 2007 a consultation took place with parents and care providers where it was noted that there was a need for a disability play project in Cardiff. Cardiff Council set up the Cwtch Network Play Scheme which was re-branded in 2017 as Cwtch Together. Since then we have completed all of the paperwork and successfully become a registered charity, and are now running at 15th Cardiff Scout Hall, in Grangetown.
Cwtch Together currently runs Saturday's from 10:30am-3:30pm.
Cwtch Together is a stay-and-play organisation where it is the carers / parents responsibility to care for their children at all times, though during their time at Cwtch Together staff are around and able to initiate and facilitate play, also providing child led activities.
The play project takes on board parent / carers ideas to make activities available to suit all the children's individual needs.
We provide a secure environment for the children to play, inside and outdoors. We also have a wide variety of equipment to promote the Seven Areas of Learning : Social, Physical, Creative, Emotional, Mathematical, Role Play, and Language & Literacy.
We have numerous sensory equipment to provide great stimuli which is enjoyed by many of our children. We have had some amazing experiences in the past including boat trips, trips to a role play centre, BBQ's, and pottery sessions to name but a few.
We ensure parents / carers provide us with all the information about the child's needs on first visit so that we are aware of any specific needs or dietary requirements.
There is no minimum or maximum age for Cwtch attendees, though we understand that as children grow and change, so do their needs. We are on hand to signpost children of an older age towards services that may better suit their needs and be more age appropriate, though they are still welcome here.
We pride ourselves on the fact that we are able to help support so many parents, carers, and children through play and socialisation.
We do have a small cafe on site where parents/carers can purchase refreshments.
Parents/carers are able to network with other families gaining knowledge and support from like minded people who often have the same daily struggles and experiences.